The Doodled Gang is Blessed to be at service to: NPO’s
Purple Heart Homes , Allen Reboot PTSD Recovery for Veterans , Patriot Military FamilyFoundation, Tribute To The Troops via our PETS4VETS program
All of these Groups are amazing and believe in the good of all! Thank You for your support and prayers.
The Doodled Gang is Making a difference 1 paw at a time !
Prayers Please,
We just received word this awesome young man has gone home to be with the lord this morning (Feb.12th,2018). There are no words to describe Dale Beatty he was truly one of a kind! Dale was so excited to get Chloe Doodled and a blessing to Shawn Doodled if he only knew, how his positive out look on life affected so many every day. Chloe Doodled will be given to Dales daughter Sophia in memory of her father ” ONE TRUE AMERICAN HERO ” RIP my friend , no more pain or sorrow and one fine day we will all meet again, Amen
Ten years ago we met the most amazing person. Soon after Dale Beatty returned from Iraq Our local home builders assoc. ICHBA introduced Dale and his young family to us ( wife and 2 sons now 15 & 17 ) . Together with his church, family and community we built them a home. At that time in MY life Dale was a blessing to us, just his wonderful attitude about life alone was awesome and needed. A lot has happened in those ten years for both Dale and I . Our successes and failures alike. But for some reason God brought this Ray of SunShine and his beautiful wife and daughter to Doodled Hill and I remember the Joy in Dales face when he shared his accomplishment of just completing project # 300 for Purple Heart Homes . Dale and I hugged and caught up on the last ten years of life. I’m So Thankful God Blessed me with the short time we had together, ten years later. And It is Well with my Soul, The Doodled Gang brought love and a little happiness to this True American Hero! Chloe Doodled will be there for Sophia to hold, talk to and love fur-ever 🐶
About Purple Heart Homes
Purple Heart Homes is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization founded by Dale Beatty and John Gallina, two Iraq combat-wounded veterans on a mission to provide housing solutions for Service Connected Disabled and Aging Veterans that are substantial in function, design and quality. Purple Heart Homes has two programs: Veterans Aging in Place (VAIP), which encompasses the Operation Veterans Home Renovation Project (OVHR), and The Veterans Home Ownership Program (VHOP). From building a ramp for wheelchair-bound veterans to providing home ownership opportunities to veterans with physical as well as invisible injuries, Purple Heart Homes’ programs are designed out of necessity and fit the specific needs of veterans of all ages and from all eras, helping them to live and age in place, in their own safe, accessible and sustainable homes. For more information, visit Purple Heart Homes – Improving Veterans’ Lives One Home at a Time.