We are expecting Belle Souther to visit Doodled Hill and be married to Beau Cephas , with this beautiful planned litter of F1b Sheep-a-doodles we expect to have a little red in the mix ! Follow us on FB or visit or site for our newest adventure on Doodled Hill. At this time #3 pick is avail and we are looking forward to Belle’s visit Jan/Feb 2019 if all goes well we will be blessed with F1b sheepadoodles some time in May of 2019.
Mr. Personality
Sir Valiant Prince AKC Red & White Poodle one of Doodled Hills Stud Muffins!
Sir came to Doodled Hill as a young 12 week old beautiful puppy. Raised here on the hill with the Doodled Gang and has Sired the most precious pups you have ever seen.
Four of Sir & Sassy’s pup’s have gone into the service field and we are so proud of these fur-babies changing lives one paw at a time . Two pups went to Veterans in need of a helping paw , one to a very special boy who will always be in our hearts , and OUR VERY FIRST DIABETIC DETECTION DOG ! Which of course this holds a very special place and memories of living & giving to a brittle diabetic in our last life!
Doodled Hill is a calling from the lord above , No Doubt On Doodled Hill where our blessing’s come from.
God Is Great, Amen.
Three of Sir & Pinky the Pooh’s litter have gone to PMFF and trained for service for our finest veterans through our npo PETS4VETS and it’s because of our extended Doodled family this is possible. Thank You !
On Doodled Hill our babies are always welcome to come and stay on the Hill with the Doodle Gang (reservations needed) enjoy running and playing in the foot hills where they were born. We love to see our grand babies grow into strong healthy doodles. We are also truly blessed by the wonderful peeps in OUR Doodled Gang Family!
Back to Mr.Personality himself Sir Valiant the most lovable and smiling dude you’ll ever meet. As most of you know last year Sir was just a lad of a pup and would not keep his leg down ( you know a guy thing ) well that meant someone is staying out through the snowy winter here in the beautiful mountains of North Carolina . Yep that would be Sir, no worries the Doodled Duplexes are heated and Sir Valiant wore the dread locks well and lost 35 lbs with a hair cut.
We present to you Sir Valiant Prince of Doodled Hill !
Sir has grown into a loving , well behaved get along with everyone and just wants to run wide open when ever he get’s the chance ! Sir is 1 of 3 Studs on Doodled Hill all are AKC reg and have been raised here to assure soundness and health.
Sir is so happy to be included in all the Doodled Games this year inside and out!
Stud services are avail and we are very Doodled friendly on Doodled Hill ! We are taking pre birth non-refundable deposits for our up coming litters in 2019 ! Email for pricing and available spots on puppy waiting list! #PawsToEnjoyLife #PETS4VETS #changinglivesonepawatatime #LovinLabradoodles #doodlesarewhatwedobest #DoodledHill
Free Style Frisbee on Doodled Hill with some of the Guys!
Sir Charles the III & Sir Valiant Prince of Doodled Hill are waiting for the frisbee to be thrown. Part of our daily routine nestled in the beautiful foot hills of NC is to run and enjoy just being a dog. Paws to Enjoy Life with unconditional love all the time. The newest expansion has grown in and the Doodled Gang truly loves running wide open on the soft green grasses. The Australian Shepard & The Standard Poodle are at the top of the working & retrieving class ,very smart and loyal .
Lovin life on Doodled Hill in Western North Carolina where growing healthy & happy Labradoodles & Mini Aussiedoodles is what we do best!
Today’s DUD
Sir Valiant Prince Keeps Up With The Mowing on Doodled Hill !
Nestled in the foothills of North Carolina , It has been called a slice of heaven where Labradoodles and Aussiedoodles rule! As the grass grows the doodled gang runs free and fly through the air as they were meant too!